
  • Excess fat on the thighs can occur due to multiple factors including diet, lack of activity, age, and genetics.
  • If you’ve tried changing your diet and increasing exercise but still can’t reduce the amount of fat on your thighs, surgery with Vaser liposuction may be an option.
  • Vaser liposuction uses ultrasound technology to remove unwanted fat, creating a slimmer leg appearance for suitable candidates.
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What is Thigh Fat?

Excess fat in the legs can be located on the front thighs (anterior), back thighs (posterior), inner thighs, or outer thighs. Fat in these areas can be superficial (just below the skin) or deeper, surrounding the thigh muscles. Excess fat deposits in the legs may cause cosmetic concerns, but can also affect physical comfort and movement.

What Causes Excess Fat on the Thighs? 

The build up of fat in the thighs can result from several factors. Your genetic makeup plays a significant role in where your body stores excess fat. Dietary habits, especially a diet rich in high-calorie and low-nutrient foods, combined with a sedentary lifestyle (not enough walking, or movement in your day) can also contribute to a build up of unwanted fat on the thighs.

How to Reduce Thigh Fat

To reduce excess thigh fat, a mix of exercises that focus on your legs and a healthy diet can help. Remember, keeping stress in check and getting good sleep matter too.  If you’ve tried to reduce the amount of fat located in thighs and are not achieving any changes, Vaser liposuction may be a treatment option that suitable candidates can consider. 

About Thigh Liposuction

Thigh liposuction is a surgical procedure designed to target and remove stubborn fat located in the thigh area – most commonly from the upper inner and upper outer thighs using Vaser liposuction. This technique utilises ultrasound technology to liquefy excess fat in the target thigh areas before the treated fat cells are removed using suction with a cannula.

Related Procedures

Thigh Liposuction

Thigh Liposuction

Reshape your inner and outer thighs with Vaser liposuction.
Vaser Liposuction

Vaser Liposuction

Targets stubborn fat deposits that may be difficult to lose through diet and exercise alone.
Calf/Ankle Liposuction

Calf/Ankle Liposuction

Create a more balanced lower leg appearance with calf and ankle Vaser liposuction.

Thigh Liposuction FAQs

Does walking burn fat on the thighs?
While walking doesn’t directly burn thigh fat, it can help burn excess energy and put you into a calorie deficit, which in turn helps you lose weight across your entire body. Combining exercise like walking with a healthy diet is crucial for best results. If diet and exercise don't work, thigh liposuction might be a suitable option for you.
Is thigh liposuction safe?
All surgical procedures, including Vaser liposuction, come with certain risks. It's essential to have a consultation with a doctor to help you understand these risks and complications. The doctor can also determine if this type of liposuction is a good fit for your health and body type.
Am I a suitable candidate for thigh liposuction?
Whether thigh liposuction is right for you depends on a personal factors including your overall health, the type of body you have, and your medical history. It's best to talk to a doctor who specialises in this area for advice that's tailored to you before making a decision to have surgery.
How much fat can liposuction remove?
In Australia, the rule is that no more than five litres of fat can be removed in one liposuction session. If you have a larger quantity of fat, you will need to plan for several sessions. Your doctor can give you more details about this during your consultation.
Is liposuction suitable for obese individuals?
Vaser liposuction isn't a treatment for obesity and it's not considered a weight loss surgery. For overweight patients thinking about having a procedure to remove a large amount of fat, Mega Liposuction may be an option if suitability for surgery is determined by the doctor.
Are there non-surgical alternatives to reduce excess thigh fat?
If surgery isn't what you're looking for, Levant offers non-surgical methods with CoolSculpting. This treatment is designed to target specific areas of your body and is a non-invasive alternative to surgery.
Your choice!
It’s your right to choose who you want to operate on you.
Plastic Surgeon
FRACS Surgeon
Liposuction Doctor

Discuss your individual treatment needs with our care team today.

Dr. Mitchell Kim, Dr. Bernard Beldholm, Associate Professor Peter Haertsch
Dr. Mitchell Kim, Dr. Kai Gebusion
Dr. Christopher Lee, Dr. Bernard Beldholm, Dr. Samuel Ho
Dr. Erfan Rahbar
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Prefer to talk?

Contact us today to discuss your procedure options!
1300 323 772

Why Choose Levant Cosmetic Surgery?

Your Choice of Doctor:
Our highly skilled medical team consists of plastic surgeons, FRACS surgeons, and liposuction doctors, and it's your choice who you decide you want to operate on you.
Patient Satisfaction:
We strive to meet our patient's expectations and prioritise their safety and satisfaction with our services.
Fair and Transparent Pricing:
During your consultation you will be provided with transparent pricing and a detailed breakdown of the costs incurred for the treatment choices that align with your desired result outcomes.
Thorough Consultations:
Every consultation is comprehensive, giving you ample time to discuss your procedural options with your doctor and receive personalised patient information inclusive of potential risks, side effects, and complications.
Exceptional Post-Operative Care:
We perform your follow-up appointments with care as we believe your aftercare is as crucial as the procedure itself. Your recovery will be guided by your doctor in collaboration with our post-operative nursing team.
24-Hour Doctor Assistance:
For any concerns or queries post-surgery our doctors are available 24-hours including after hours for their patients. In the event of a medical emergency, please call 000.
Considering a Vaser liposuction treatment?

One of the most important steps in your cosmetic journey with Levant is the consultation! It allows you to;

- Discuss your individual concerns with your doctor.
- Get appropriate medical advice about different treatment options.
- Understand any risks, side effects, and the recovery time needed.
- Have a bespoke treatment programme designed for you.

To learn more or discuss your cosmetic goals please reach out to the team today on 1300 323 772.

Results, recovery & potential complications will vary for each individual patient. Read more here

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner.
Photos & videos featured are not a guarantee that your results will be the same & do not guarantee a particular surgical outcome.
Content on our Instagram page is published with the consent of our patients.
The content featured is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice.
Images taken immediately post-operatively may not reflect final results.
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Did you know that consultations are available with Dr Beldholm?

Dr Bernard Beldholm MBBS BSc (Med) FRACS, focuses on cosmetic procedures with a special interest in Breast Augmentations, Breast Lifts, Breast Reductions, and Facial Rejuvenation.

To learn more about the treatments above & whether you may be a suitable candidate please call us to book a consultation with Dr Beldholm on 1300 323 772.

You can also learn more at

Results, recovery & potential complications will vary for each individual patient. Read more here

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner.
Photos & videos featured are not a guarantee that your results will be the same & do not guarantee a particular surgical outcome.
Content on our Instagram page is published with the consent of our patients.
The content featured is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice.
Images taken immediately post-operatively may not reflect final results.

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When it comes to Coolsculpting, (our non surgical treatment option for fat reduction) @dr_chris_lee is a key opinion leader on the treatment!

Did you know that he was one of the first doctors to use Coolsculpting as a non-invasive body contouring treatment in 2011? 

Levant Cosmetic Surgery Canberra is also one of the biggest providers of Coolsculpting in Australia.

To learn more about Coolsculpting & what areas we can treat please reach out to our team for a consultation on 1300 323 772.

You can also learn more at

NOTE: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner.
Results, recovery & potential complications will vary for each individual patient.
Photos & videos featured are not a guarantee that your results will be the same & do not guarantee a particular surgical outcome.
Content on our Instagram page is published with the consent of our patients.
The content featured is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice.
Immediate post treatment results may differ from final result.
#drchrislee #beauty #coolsculpting #fatfreezing #cryolipolysis #nonsurgicaltreatment