Gynecomastia Surgery

Reduce male breast size, enhance chest contours & improve chest symmetry.
Designed to remove excess fat and glandular tissue, to enhance a flatter chest appearance.
May help in reducing skin irritation, chafing, and rashes, which some men experience due to excess skin.
Some men may find that clothes fit differently post-treatment. However, individual experiences vary.

Before & Afters Gynecomastia Surgery

As with any surgery, scarring is a possibility. However, the scars from Vaser liposuction are usually small and they fade over time. Everyone’s different, so how noticeable they are can vary.

Gynecomastia Surgery At a Glance

Gynecomastia surgery is a medical procedure designed to address gynecomastia, a condition where men or boys experience enlarged breast tissue. This enlargement can cause physical discomfort and self-consciousness. The surgery aims to reduce breast size, enhance chest contours, and improve symmetry.
Average Procedure Time 1-2 hours
Anaesthetic Type General or local
Hospital Stay Day
TIME OFF WORK 6 months
Average RECOVERY 2-4 Weeks


  • Improved Comfort: Gynecomastia can sometimes cause physical discomfort, especially in cases where there’s considerable enlargement. The surgery can alleviate this discomfort, making activities like exercise or wearing certain types of clothing more comfortable.
  • Correction of Symmetry: Gynecomastia can sometimes result in asymmetry where one breast is larger than the other. The surgery can correct this imbalance, resulting in a more symmetrical chest area.
  • Targeted Results: Gynecomastia surgery is specifically tailored to the individual’s needs. This means that the procedure is designed to address the unique extent and nature of breast enlargement in each person, ensuring a personalised approach to treatment.

Potential Candidates

Thinking of Gynecomastia surgery and wondering if it’s the right fit for you? If you identify with the following, you’re likely a suitable candidate:

  • You’ve had enlarged breast tissue that’s remained consistent over time and hasn’t responded to alternative treatments like diet, exercise, or medication adjustments.
  • Your breast development has stabilised. In adolescents, this might require waiting until breast development has been completed.
  • You’re generally in good physical health without serious illnesses or medical conditions that could impair healing or increase surgery risks.
  • Your weight is stable, as significant weight fluctuations can affect the surgery’s outcomes.
  • You have a clear understanding of what gynecomastia surgery can and cannot achieve and have realistic expectations about the results.
  • You don’t smoke – smoking can interfere with the healing process.
  • You feel physical discomfort or are bothered by the appearance of your chest due to enlarged breast tissue.
  • You have a stable emotional outlook and understand the emotional aspects of undergoing a surgical procedure.
  • You’re aware of the potential risks and complications associated with the surgery and are prepared to follow post-operative instructions for recovery.
  • You’ve consulted with a qualified healthcare professional who specialises in Gynecomastia surgery.

What to Expect From Gynecomastia Surgery


During your initial consultation for gynecomastia surgery, you’ll meet with a qualified doctor. This step is essential to discuss your medical history, current health, and the specific goals you have in mind for the surgery.

The doctor will evaluate whether you are a suitable candidate for gynecomastia surgery and provide a comprehensive explanation of the procedure. This is your opportunity to ask questions and voice any concerns you might have about the surgery.


Before the surgery, there are crucial preparations. You may need to complete various medical tests and evaluations to confirm your readiness for the procedure.

You will receive detailed pre-operative instructions, which may include guidelines on fasting, medication adjustments, and what to wear on the day of the surgery. Adhering to these instructions is vital for a smooth and safe surgical experience.

The Procedure

On the day of the gynecomastia surgery, anaesthesia or sedation will be administered as determined by your doctor.

The surgery typically involves making small incisions, usually around the areola or under the armpit, to remove excess fat and glandular tissue. In some cases, Vaser liposuction might be used as part of the procedure. The doctor will work to achieve a more natural and flatter chest contour.

The duration of the surgery varies depending on the extent of the correction but usually takes about 1-2 hours. Post-surgery, you will be guided through the recovery process and what to expect in the following weeks.

Aftercare & Recovery

After your procedure, you’ll receive comprehensive post-operative advice for a smooth transition home.

Getting Home

We recommend arranging for a friend or family member to drive you, as you won’t be in a condition to drive yourself. Typically, you’ll be ready to leave the hospital on the day of your surgery.


  • Your post-surgery care will be directly overseen by your doctor, supported by our dedicated team.
  • We provide a 24/7 contact number for any post-surgery questions, ensuring you can always reach us.
  • Unlike other clinics, we ensure your follow-up care is with your doctor, not just nursing staff.

Recovery Timeline

Immediate Post Procedure

You’ll be released into the care of a family member or friend.

An overnight hospital stay is unlikely – but you’ll be guided by your doctor.

Once home, you must rest and take it easy.

First Two Weeks

Expect some soreness and tenderness, but we’ll provide pain relief to minimise discomfort.

You can expect to be back to work around the 1-2 week mark, but this may vary from patient to patient.

Do not sleep on your stomach or side. The most comfortable and ideal position to sleep in is lying on your back.

You may resume sexual intercourse at around 10-14 days.

Two Weeks & Beyond

Follow-up appointment with your doctor, scheduled at the two-week mark.

You’ll need to continue wearing your compression garment for 3-6 weeks (except while showering).

You can begin exercising at around 4-5 weeks.

Recovery occurs around the 4 week mark, with full results evident in 6- 12 months.

How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost?

We know that cost is a significant consideration when deciding on gynecomastia surgery. However, there’s no one-size-fits-all price for this cosmetic procedure. The total cost of male breast reduction can be broken down into three parts:

  • Hospital fees: These fees include the time spent in the operating room and the recovery period after anaesthesia.
  • Anaesthetist’s fees: The cost of your anaesthetist may vary depending on their qualifications and experience.
  • Doctor’s fees: Your doctor’s fees can also differ based on their experience and the complexity of your specific procedure.
At Levant Cosmetic Surgery, our male breast reduction procedures start at $5,500.
Additional areas are charged at a smaller rate starting from around $2,000.
An "area" can refer to the lower abdomen, upper abdomen, both hips, or both upper inner thighs, for example.
Prices are a guide only and will vary from patient to patient. Book in for a consult for a personalised quote.
Considerations for Choosing a Doctor

Choosing the cheapest option is rarely the best choice, especially in healthcare and cosmetic procedures.

Cheaper prices often mean lower quality, safety risks, potentially short-lived results, lack of personalised care, and the possibility of additional costs for corrections.

Prioritising quality and expertise is key to better outcomes and overall satisfaction.

Other Areas Vaser Liposuction Targets

Vaser liposuction is a versatile procedure that can be performed on various parts of the body to reduce excess fat. The most commonly treated areas include:

  • Tummy/Abdomen: Often chosen for removing stubborn belly fat.
  • Back: Targets excess fat deposits along the upper and lower back.
  • Arms: Ideal for shaping the upper arms and reducing ‘bingo wings’.
  • Hips: Helps in contouring the hip area and reducing the appearance of ‘love handles’.
  • Thighs: Effective for both the inner and outer thighs, enhancing leg shape.
  • Buttocks: Used to reshape and reduce excess fat (or add fat to the area for more rounded buttocks).
  • Neck & Chin: Perfect for eliminating a double chin and refining the neckline.
  • Calf/Ankles: Calf liposuction is designed to reshape the lower legs, aiming to provide a more balanced leg contour.

Each of these areas can be effectively targeted with Vaser liposuction, offering significant changes in body contour and shape.


What are the risks and potential side effects of Gynecomastia surgery?
All liposuction procedures – including Gynecomastia surgery – have inherent risks and side effects to consider before surgery. These potential side effects may include bruising and bleeding, fluid buildup beneath the skin, persistent pain and swelling, uneven appearance, unsatisfactory results, changes in skin sensation, and risk of infections, blood clots, or skin burns. It's important to discuss these concerns with your doctor before making a decision.
How much fat can be safely removed with Gynecomastia surgery?
In Australia, there's a maximum limit of five litres of fat that can be safely removed in one liposuction procedure. If more fat needs to be addressed, multiple sessions may be required, which can be discussed during your consultations.
What can I expect regarding loose skin after Gynecomastia surgery?
After Gynecomastia surgery, skin tightening can vary depending on individual factors, including pre-existing skin elasticity. The procedure can enhance skin tightening, but results may differ. Patients with higher skin elasticity may experience firmer skin, while those with less elasticity may notice some excess skin in areas like the abdomen.
Will I have scarring?
Scarring is a natural outcome of surgery, and the incisions made for Gynecomastia surgery typically fade over time. The visibility of scars varies among individuals, influenced by factors such as skin type and scarring history.
Is Gynecomastia surgery suitable for obese individuals?
Vaser Liposuction is not intended for treating obesity; it is not a weight loss surgery. However, we do offer Mega Liposuction for those looking to remove a significant amount of fat.
Is my gynecomastia caused by excess fat or breast tissue?
To determine the cause, consult a doctor for an examination. Typically, breast tissue feels firmer and denser than fat.
Is gynecomastia surgery painful?
Gynecomastia surgery is performed under sedation and local anaesthesia, ensuring no pain during the procedure. Any post-operative discomfort can be managed with prescribed medications.
At what age is it suitable to consider a male breast reduction procedure?
It's typically recommended to wait until age 18, as gynecomastia often resolves naturally after puberty. However, early treatment may be suitable if severe gynecomastia impacts a patient's quality of life.
Your choice!
It’s your right to choose who you want to operate on you.
Plastic Surgeon
FRACS Surgeon
Liposuction Doctor

Discuss your individual treatment needs with our care team today.

Dr. Mitchell Kim, Dr. Bernard Beldholm, Associate Professor Peter Haertsch
Dr. Mitchell Kim, Dr. Kai Gebusion
Dr. Christopher Lee, Dr. Bernard Beldholm, Dr. Samuel Ho
Dr. Erfan Rahbar
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Prefer to talk?

Contact us today to discuss your procedure options!
1300 323 772

Why Choose Levant Cosmetic Surgery?

Your Choice of Doctor:
Our highly skilled medical team consists of plastic surgeons, FRACS surgeons, and liposuction doctors, and it's your choice who you decide you want to operate on you.
Patient Satisfaction:
We strive to meet our patient's expectations and prioritise their safety and satisfaction with our services.
Fair and Transparent Pricing:
During your consultation you will be provided with transparent pricing and a detailed breakdown of the costs incurred for the treatment choices that align with your desired result outcomes.
Thorough Consultations:
Every consultation is comprehensive, giving you ample time to discuss your procedural options with your doctor and receive personalised patient information inclusive of potential risks, side effects, and complications.
Exceptional Post-Operative Care:
We perform your follow-up appointments with care as we believe your aftercare is as crucial as the procedure itself. Your recovery will be guided by your doctor in collaboration with our post-operative nursing team.
24-Hour Doctor Assistance:
For any concerns or queries post-surgery our doctors are available 24-hours including after hours for their patients. In the event of a medical emergency, please call 000.
Considering a Vaser liposuction treatment?

One of the most important steps in your cosmetic journey with Levant is the consultation! It allows you to;

- Discuss your individual concerns with your doctor.
- Get appropriate medical advice about different treatment options.
- Understand any risks, side effects, and the recovery time needed.
- Have a bespoke treatment programme designed for you.

To learn more or discuss your cosmetic goals please reach out to the team today on 1300 323 772.

Results, recovery & potential complications will vary for each individual patient. Read more here

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner.
Photos & videos featured are not a guarantee that your results will be the same & do not guarantee a particular surgical outcome.
Content on our Instagram page is published with the consent of our patients.
The content featured is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice.
Images taken immediately post-operatively may not reflect final results.
#levantsc #liposuction #fattransfer  #vaserliposuction
Did you know that consultations are available with Dr Beldholm?

Dr Bernard Beldholm MBBS BSc (Med) FRACS, focuses on cosmetic procedures with a special interest in Breast Augmentations, Breast Lifts, Breast Reductions, and Facial Rejuvenation.

To learn more about the treatments above & whether you may be a suitable candidate please call us to book a consultation with Dr Beldholm on 1300 323 772.

You can also learn more at

Results, recovery & potential complications will vary for each individual patient. Read more here

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner.
Photos & videos featured are not a guarantee that your results will be the same & do not guarantee a particular surgical outcome.
Content on our Instagram page is published with the consent of our patients.
The content featured is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice.
Images taken immediately post-operatively may not reflect final results.

#levantsc #liposuction #maleliposuction #malefattransfer #vaserliposuction #cosmeticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeryaustralia
When it comes to Coolsculpting, (our non surgical treatment option for fat reduction) @dr_chris_lee is a key opinion leader on the treatment!

Did you know that he was one of the first doctors to use Coolsculpting as a non-invasive body contouring treatment in 2011? 

Levant Cosmetic Surgery Canberra is also one of the biggest providers of Coolsculpting in Australia.

To learn more about Coolsculpting & what areas we can treat please reach out to our team for a consultation on 1300 323 772.

You can also learn more at

NOTE: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner.
Results, recovery & potential complications will vary for each individual patient.
Photos & videos featured are not a guarantee that your results will be the same & do not guarantee a particular surgical outcome.
Content on our Instagram page is published with the consent of our patients.
The content featured is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice.
Immediate post treatment results may differ from final result.
#drchrislee #beauty #coolsculpting #fatfreezing #cryolipolysis #nonsurgicaltreatment
Sometimes when patients come to us, they are looking for a lift or rejuvenated appearance but not yet ready for a surgical change. This is where silhouette soft threads may be a suitable treatment option.

Silhouette soft threads provide two main benefits;

Instant lift - With a thread lift, you'll walk out of our clinics with an instantly lifted and tighter looking appearance. That's because a thread lift involves the placement of dissolvable threads underneath the skin. Once inserted under the skin, the threads are fixed to certain points of the face and then pulled upwards to immediately lift the skin.

Long term results - The threads contain poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which is naturally broken down by the body over time. These threads works to gradually stimulate new collagen production. This results in a plumper & more youthful complexion that lasts for approximately 18-24 months, as the PLLA naturally dissolves.

Want more information? Reach out today on 1300323772.
NOTE: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner.
Results, recovery & potential complications will vary for each individual patient.
Photos & videos featured are not a guarantee that your results will be the same & do not guarantee a particular surgical outcome.
Content on our Instagram page is published with the consent of our patients. 
The content featured is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice. 
Immediate post op results may differ from final result.
#drchrislee #barbedthreads #silhouettesoftthreads #facialrejuvenation #nonsurgicalfacelift