At Levant Cosmetic Surgery, we understand that choosing to undergo liposuction is a significant decision – one that’s as much about who performs your procedure as it is about the procedure itself.

Recognising this, we offer our patients the unique opportunity to choose the type of doctor they feel most comfortable with:

  1. FRACS Surgeon
  2. Plastic Surgeon
  3. Liposuction Doctor

On this page, we’ve outlined the key differences between these professionals, highlighting the distinct advantages each brings to your liposuction experience. Our goal is to ensure you’re informed, comfortable, and confident in your choice of Levant Cosmetic Clinic.

FRACS-Qualified Surgeon

What a FRACS Surgeon Brings to Your Care

A Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) is a title that signifies a surgeon’s commitment to excellence in surgical practice. FRACS surgeons have completed a minimum of 12 years of medical and surgical education, including at least five years of specialist postgraduate training.

Why Choose a FRACS Surgeon for Liposuction

Choosing a FRACS-qualified surgeon means entrusting your care to someone whose expertise is recognised at the highest levels. These surgeons are highly skilled at handling complex cases and bringing a deep understanding of the human anatomy and surgical ethics to each procedure. Their broad surgical background allows them to consider and manage potential complexities with a comprehensive approach.

Plastic Surgeon

What a Plastic Surgeon Brings to Your Care

In Australia, a plastic surgeon is a medical doctor who has completed medical school and then pursued further training specifically in plastic surgery. This training typically involves several years of residency and may include fellowship training in specific areas of plastic surgery. Plastic surgeons are qualified to perform a wide range of surgical procedures, including reconstructive surgery (such as after trauma or cancer treatment) and cosmetic surgery (such as breast augmentation or facelifts). However, not all plastic surgeons may have undergone additional specialised training beyond their residency.

Why Choose a Plastic Surgeon for Liposuction?

A plastic surgeon combines technical skill with an aesthetic understanding, making them ideal for those who are looking to achieve specific cosmetic goals. Their detailed understanding of body aesthetics means they’re not just removing fat; they’re sculpting your body to match your vision of yourself.

Liposuction Doctor

What a Liposuction Doctor Brings to Your Care

A liposuction doctor is a General Practitioner who has honed their skills in the specific area of liposuction. They offer a focused approach, with extensive experience in the latest liposuction techniques and technologies.

Why Choose a Liposuction Doctor?

For those specifically seeking liposuction without the need for broader cosmetic surgery, a liposuction doctor can offer specialised knowledge and experience. They’re skilled at tailoring their approach to achieve effective fat removal and body contouring, focusing solely on your liposuction goals.

Why Having a Choice Matters

The decision to undergo liposuction is deeply personal, and so should be the choice of who performs your procedure. At Levant Cosmetic Surgery, we believe in empowering our patients with the ability to choose a doctor whose qualifications, experience, and approach resonate most closely with their individual needs and comfort levels. Here’s why this choice is so important:

  • Personal Comfort: Feeling comfortable and confident with your surgeon is crucial to a positive liposuction experience. By providing the option to choose, we ensure that you feel a personal connection and trust in your chosen professional’s expertise.
  • Tailored Approach: Different doctors bring different perspectives and skills to your procedure. Whether you value broad surgical expertise, cosmetic specialisation, or focused liposuction experience, you can select the approach that best suits your vision and goals.
  • Informed Decisions: Educating yourself about the different types of liposuction professionals and what they offer allows you to make an informed decision about your care. We strive to provide all the information you need to feel knowledgeable and confident in your choice.

Our Commitment to Your Care

Regardless of which type of doctor you choose for your liposuction procedure, rest assured that you’re in capable hands. Each doctor at Levant Cosmetic Surgery is selected for their exceptional skills, dedication to patient care, and commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes. We’re here to support you through every step of your journey, from initial consultation to post-procedure care.

Book Your Consultation Levant Cosmetic Clinic

Ready to explore your options further? Whether you’re after thigh liposuction, love handles liposuction, abdominal liposuction or beyond, we have a liposuction professional just for you.

At Levant Cosmetic Surgery, your liposuction journey begins with informed choices and is supported by the highest standard of care.


Why Choose Levant Cosmetic Surgery?

Your Choice of Doctor:
Our highly skilled medical team consists of plastic surgeons, FRACS surgeons, and liposuction doctors, and it's your choice who you decide you want to operate on you.
Patient Satisfaction:
We strive to meet our patient's expectations and prioritise their safety and satisfaction with our services.
Fair and Transparent Pricing:
During your consultation you will be provided with transparent pricing and a detailed breakdown of the costs incurred for the treatment choices that align with your desired result outcomes.
Thorough Consultations:
Every consultation is comprehensive, giving you ample time to discuss your procedural options with your doctor and receive personalised patient information inclusive of potential risks, side effects, and complications.
Exceptional Post-Operative Care:
We perform your follow-up appointments with care as we believe your aftercare is as crucial as the procedure itself. Your recovery will be guided by your doctor in collaboration with our post-operative nursing team.
24-Hour Doctor Assistance:
For any concerns or queries post-surgery our doctors are available 24-hours including after hours for their patients. In the event of a medical emergency, please call 000.
Considering a Vaser liposuction treatment?

One of the most important steps in your cosmetic journey with Levant is the consultation! It allows you to;

- Discuss your individual concerns with your doctor.
- Get appropriate medical advice about different treatment options.
- Understand any risks, side effects, and the recovery time needed.
- Have a bespoke treatment programme designed for you.

To learn more or discuss your cosmetic goals please reach out to the team today on 1300 323 772.

Results, recovery & potential complications will vary for each individual patient. Read more here

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner.
Photos & videos featured are not a guarantee that your results will be the same & do not guarantee a particular surgical outcome.
Content on our Instagram page is published with the consent of our patients.
The content featured is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice.
Images taken immediately post-operatively may not reflect final results.
#levantsc #liposuction #fattransfer  #vaserliposuction
Did you know that consultations are available with Dr Beldholm?

Dr Bernard Beldholm MBBS BSc (Med) FRACS, focuses on cosmetic procedures with a special interest in Breast Augmentations, Breast Lifts, Breast Reductions, and Facial Rejuvenation.

To learn more about the treatments above & whether you may be a suitable candidate please call us to book a consultation with Dr Beldholm on 1300 323 772.

You can also learn more at

Results, recovery & potential complications will vary for each individual patient. Read more here

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner.
Photos & videos featured are not a guarantee that your results will be the same & do not guarantee a particular surgical outcome.
Content on our Instagram page is published with the consent of our patients.
The content featured is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice.
Images taken immediately post-operatively may not reflect final results.

#levantsc #liposuction #maleliposuction #malefattransfer #vaserliposuction #cosmeticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeryaustralia
When it comes to Coolsculpting, (our non surgical treatment option for fat reduction) @dr_chris_lee is a key opinion leader on the treatment!

Did you know that he was one of the first doctors to use Coolsculpting as a non-invasive body contouring treatment in 2011? 

Levant Cosmetic Surgery Canberra is also one of the biggest providers of Coolsculpting in Australia.

To learn more about Coolsculpting & what areas we can treat please reach out to our team for a consultation on 1300 323 772.

You can also learn more at

NOTE: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner.
Results, recovery & potential complications will vary for each individual patient.
Photos & videos featured are not a guarantee that your results will be the same & do not guarantee a particular surgical outcome.
Content on our Instagram page is published with the consent of our patients.
The content featured is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice.
Immediate post treatment results may differ from final result.
#drchrislee #beauty #coolsculpting #fatfreezing #cryolipolysis #nonsurgicaltreatment